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Thank you to everyone who attended my first solo art show, and for those of you who encouraged and supported me in the process!  Many of my paintings have gone to new homes, but there are more than a few still available for adoption!
If you missed the show you can see it here, in my online Gallery, and read my inspirations and process stories for many of the paintings. Sale and print options will be listed for each work!

Interested in painting with me?
I've designed two courses that can be taught privately or in group settings. Gather some friends and let's paint together!
Kairos Intuitive Painting Classes

Metamorphosis Class complete.heic
I read the following poem at my opening reception for the show. I want to share it here. I am grateful to Caroline for her beautiful words that resonate so completely with me.

A Pocket For All Of It
from "Shaping Pearls - A Collection of Poems"
by Caroline Miskenack

There is a pocket inside my chest.
Tucked behind skin and bone,
pressed firmly against my heart.
It's made of winter and spring,
scar tissue and pink vines of faith.
It holds stories from all the years
I have walked this earth.
It carries both grit and grace
scattered among the wise bone 
memories of women whose courage
never died.
It keeps pieces of my medicine
folded neatly -
the glow of sunshine
the rise and fall of the sea
the pulse of trees.
It collects smiles and slices of wonder
whenever it can.
This pocket saves my life
within its deep weave.
And for this, I am able to carry all of it.

Painting live - working on "Sanctuary" - a collaborative start with marks made by visitors to the reception!

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